October 2024 - pain-management

Tennis Elbow/Lateral Epicondylitis Explained

Tennis Elbow/Lateral Epicondylitis Explained

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis causes tenderness and pain in the outer side of the elbow. The common extensor origin is the part of the elbow where all the extensor muscles of the forearm originate on the humerus (bone) It involves the tendon of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis most commonly. Degenerative changes are most widely identified where the tendon attaches to bone. The attachment is weakened, which as you can imagine results in more tension in the area since it breaks up the tendon from the bone. Tennis and many activities that require repeated gripping, grasping, or lifting movements are common offenders of tennis elbow progression. Most of the time in the age group 30-50, is commonly seen and there is no gender preponderance.

Why Does Tennis Elbow Occur?

Everything that might overload the extensor tendons of the forearm, notably when our palm gets into a position facing down, can promote micro tears and inflammation seen in Lateral epicondylitis/tennis elbow.

Such types of activities include

Repeated gripping or holding activities idiopathically driven two-wheeler riding, playing tennis, carrying and pushing heavy objects
Activities like typing words of tools on a daily basis cause the extensor muscle to a repetitive load. is a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in your elbow are overworked, usually by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm.
Direct trauma or blow to the elbow can bring about inflammation of a tendon resulting in degeneration as well.


Bothering outer elbow symptoms, most notably. The lateral epicondyle is the bony point of tenderness. Pain increases with activities such as gripping, pushing, and grasping Pain may be experienced localized to the lateral epicondyle, but some patients could have pain radiating down to the forearm.


These types of injuries are usually very suggestive history and clinical examination but can be confirmed by imaging (Ultrasound or MRI elbow).


Had I wanted to take the more conservative approach, I could have only stopped or substantially slowed doing simple tasks like typing or gripping. Anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed for patients. Tennis Elbow Splints/Braces: These braces can help take some of the strain off the elbow extensors. Manual massage, ice massage, or modalities like Ultrasound in physical therapy have been used to provide symptomatic relief of lateral epicondylitis. Taping the painful elbow can be another approach used in addition to these.

Tennis Elbow Exercise Protocol

Stretching and strengthening the muscle groups involved are essential to any rehabilitation program. Exercises broadly include

  • Forearm extensor
  • stretch
  • The muscular eccentric Extensors of the Wrist
  • Wrist Extension Isometric Strengthening
  • Isotonic Wrist Extensor Strengthening

Anti-Inflammatory injection- Corticosteroids can be blindly injected over the inflammation or image-guided using an imaging modality (eg. Multidetector CT scanner/X-ray) to restain the inflammation so that the patient can take rehabilitation). Steroid injections should not be given in the same area back-to-back

PRP and Phototherapy

This is a very good treatment with Ultrasound-guided platelet-rich plasma with Prolotherapy) as it works to heal the damaged tendon. So, 2-3 sittings of PRP with prolotherapy along wed regular exercises have been quite effective in controlling the troublesome symptoms of tennis elbow.

Stem Cells: Stem Cell injection has been attempted in a few chronic cases into the damaged tendon.

Surgery- Arthroscopic: (or) open surgery for removal of the degenerated tendon in chronic, resistant cases not responding to non-operative means.

Forearm extensor stretch

Keep your arm straight and bend the elbow slightly.
Now just curl your fingers and the other hand over your knuckles. Pull the affected arm hand and wrist gently further inward until you can feel a small stretch along your arm. You want to make certain that there is some pressure from the pull in your arm, but you should not be pulling so hard that the pull hurts.

Eccentric Lean-to Fist with the Wrist Extensors

  • Gently place your affected arm on a table with the hand hanging free over the edge.
  • Use the other hand to raise the hand of the affected arm into elevation. Maintain this grip with your hand as you release the hand assisting.
  • Gently encourage the hand of your affected arm to return to neutral (hanging). They then lower the weight back down in a slow manner which is referred to as “controlled release” or an “eccentric muscle contraction”.
Isometric wrist extensor strengthening
  • Place your affected arm on a flat surface with your wrist extended beyond the edge of the table.
  • Apply downward pressure on the hand of the affected arm with one of your hands while keeping the wrist out straight.
Wrist Extensor Isotonic Strength

Place the arm of those affected face down on a table or in your lap, and let your hand hang over the edge.
Lift and lower your hand by bending the wrist.
These are the joints at which the muscle attaches to the bone via tendons. In this condition, the involved muscle, the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, is an important wrist extensor for maintaining the stability of the wrist.


Tennis elbow, on the other hand, is when you damage some of the muscles in your forearms that aid you in extending your wrist and fingers. Excess or repeated stress to the tissue can cause small tears in the tendons that connect on the outside of the elbow.
Tennis elbow can develop if any activity is played on the upper limb in pronation performed by turning the arms face down. These activities include:

  • Similar jobs are performed several times:​ Typing, using tools, etc.
  • Activities that require prolonged gripping, such as riding a motorcycle or bicycle, working with vibrating tools, and pushing or carrying heavy loads.
  • Trauma: A direct blow to the elbow can cause the tendon to swell, which may trigger degeneration. A rapid force or activity also could harm the tendon.
Who gets it?

Most people with this condition are between ages 30 and 50, although it can occur in those younger and older, as well as in both men and women.

Signs and Symptoms

Patients historically seek medical attention for pain. Pain over the lateral (outside) aspect of the elbow, over an area of bone called the lateral epicondyle. And this area gets sore when you touch it. Any activity which overloads the tendon, such as gripping or lifting, will cause pain. Pain with activity usually starts at the elbow and may travel to the hand down the forearm. Sometimes, pain can occur with any elbow motion. Tennis elbow pain may develop gradually or can occur suddenly. Symptoms can include

Care at home Home care Management of tennis elbow
  • Adjusting activity and rest: In the short term, the FFWZ as a condition should be reduced – Rather, the recommendation is to limit that aggravating activity; not total rest.
  • Medicine: Anti-inflammatory medicine might help control the pain.
  • Brace: wearing a tennis elbow brace, which is worn around your forearm muscle and just below the elbow will decrease tension on the tendon making it easy to heal.
  • Taping: Tape your elbow to provide support to the soft tissues. You may want to consult a physical or occupational therapist on how to tape your elbow.
  • Apply ice-icing the knee multiple times per day helps reduce pain.
  • Ice pack application: Hold the ice pack up to your skin with a towel. Apply the ice pack to the painful area for 15–20 minutes. Every five minutes, check your skin to make sure you are not damaging it.
  • Ice massage: Apply an ice pack, and massage around the elbow area for about 5 mins as a loop process [14].
  • Manual massage:  A good massage is known to help improve blood circulation, reduce sensitivity, and relieve pain in the bladder. Learn how to massage from a physical or occupational therapist.

This May Help Stretching and Strengthening for Tennis Elbow Exercising helps to keep the muscles strong so that they can support you as your body recovers. For many people, this relief from pain starts almost immediately after exercise.

Neck Muscle Sprain

Neck Muscle Sprain

The neck, muscle, and sprain are so regular among individuals now. A neck muscle sprain can aggravate it or in the worst case worsen it. A neck sprain occurs when there is a stretch in the muscle or ligament of the neck. That would be the typical thing like a bump into something, or going that extra little bit when you should have stopped twisting for example; or some sort of accident. Therefore, there are many causes of neck muscle sprain. If a sprain is mild it will heal without treatment in days to weeks. This is a stark, real pain—hard or tougher or excruciating; it hurts. Getting medical intervention right away will prevent the condition from becoming severe.

Consulting with the best neck specialist doctor will help you get the best treatment process.

When should you see a doctor for treatment?

Usually, the strain triggered by a neck sprain will take days or weeks to heal. People often feel that during neck muscle sprain, they cannot even move side to side, it also occurs when it is extremely painful. Thus consulting the right doctor and getting proper treatment can make the recovery rate high.

Neck Muscle Sprain Diagnosis

Your condition will be accessed by an expert neck specialist doctor. A physical examination may be in order if your doctor wishes to observe how you move, stand, and sit. Neck Specialist Center has reputed advanced facilities, resources, and tests to identify a genuine solution for the ailment.

Cure for Neck Muscle Sprain

When you visit the neck pain clinic, they use some effective techniques to treat neck muscle sprain. Once a precise cause is identified for the neck muscle sprain, your neck pain doctor will employ the best method to treat your disorder in a risk-free manner.

  • Medications over the Counter: Medications that can be taken to help relieve pain and reduce swelling are prescribed.
  • DO NOT: USE HEAT AND COLD PADS On the advice of your surgeon, you should use heat or cold pads for the sore areas If there is any swelling keep it down.
  • Workouts: Doing light workouts will help in movement and increase flexibility.
    Physical Therapies: A physical therapist will be assigned for your chronic neck muscle strain which helps in reducing the inflammation and pain.

Picking the right clinic for your neck muscle sprains and spasm needs with best way to take. Many neck disorders have been treated at Alleviate Pain Clinic successfully by the seasoned and valued hands of their qualified neck pain specialist doctors. Anyone suffering from neck pain, experiencing numbness or stiffness of the neck should book an appointment with their doctor as soon as possible.

Frozen Shoulder treatment in Punjab

Frozen Shoulder treatment in Punjab

Frozen shoulder is quite common now. Many people complain about pain & stiffness in their shoulder joints, which can even cut down on how well you can move. Folks also call it adhesive capsulitis. Your shoulder has three bones that form a ball-and-socket joint (yep, that’s what it’s called). This joint involves the upper arm (humerus), shoulder blade (scapula), and collarbone (clavicle). Together, they are known as the shoulder capsule. When someone deals with a frozen shoulder, this capsule gets thick and tight. That means less movement and more pain. Ignoring it can make things worse. It might last anywhere from 1 to 3 years or even longer.

Best treatment for Frozen Shoulder

Before starting any treatment, your specialist will ask for some tests. These tests will help figure out just how bad things are and the best way to treat it. Usually, surgery isn’t needed – which is good news! People often get back to their normal activities without going under the knife.

For Frozen Shoulder Treatment in Punjab—Book An Appointment!

Here’s how frozen shoulder can be treated

Over-the-counter Medication – Your pain specialist will prescribe meds like paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease pain and help you move your shoulder again.

Hydrodilatation – A fine needle goes into your shoulder joint with ultrasound or X-ray guidance. Then, an injection with corticosteroid, local anesthesia & sterile water is given.

Nerve Blocks – Here, the doctor gives you general anesthesia to block pain signals from your nerves through minor surgery using nerve stimulation or ultrasound.

Exercise and Physical Therapies – Easy exercises & physical therapy tailored by a therapist can strengthen your shoulder, reverse stiffness & improve motion range.

You might find relief with just one treatment or a mix of them

If you need top-notch frozen shoulder treatment in Punjab, understanding non-surgical success rates is key. A good center will have experienced pain specialists & standout physiotherapists who know how to boost movement and ease stiffness.

Amandeep Hospital is your go-to for frozen shoulder treatment in Punjab. It’s advanced & home to highly reputed doctors and physiotherapists who can help you get better fast!

Monsoon Brings Rain & Pain — How To Take Care Of Joint Pain?

Monsoon Brings Rain & Pain — How To Take Care Of Joint Pain?

It’s monsoon time! The season brings both joy and woe. With the rains, we also get joint pains. Here’s a helpful guide to watch out for specific aches and how to take care of yourself.

Monsoon is a happy time for many. The rains are refreshing & bring greenery back to life. But, it can bring some sadness too. Along with the rain, comes joint pain. Folks with bone disorders and those older than 60 often complain during this season. But you know what? Joint pain can affect others too.

What Causes Joint Pain During Monsoon?

Studies show that people with arthritis and bone-related issues feel more pain in monsoon compared to other seasons. What’s to blame? Barometric pressure. It’s the weight of the air around us. When barometric pressure is high, it keeps your body tissues from swelling. Before it rains, this pressure drops, causing tissues to expand and create pain.

Higher humidity levels also play a part, thickening blood which increases blood pressure. This causes your body to work harder and results in dehydration. Less fluid around joints leads to pain.

How to Manage Joint Pain in Monsoon?

Exercise is key to managing joint pain in monsoon. Regular stretching and physical activities will keep such pain in check while stretching twice a day is highly recommended. Avoid sitting for long hours! If work requires you to sit for long periods, make sure you stand up & walk every half an hour or so. If your room has air conditioning, it might make the pain worse, so get moving every 30-40 minutes. Weight can also add to the pain, so work on keeping it in check. Extra weight puts more pressure on your joints, increasing the pain. Make sure your diet has vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids. If the pain doesn’t go away after three weeks, it’s called chronic pain and you need to see a doctor. The doctor might ask for a blood test to find out what’s wrong. They may also suggest changes in diet or lifestyle, maybe even physical activities or physiotherapy.

What Can Amandeep Hospitals Do to Help Relieve Pain?

Pain management is crucial when dealing with joint pain—it’s not a common term here yet. We specialize in it with treatments like modern regenerative medicine & radiofrequency ablation to relieve pain.

Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP)

Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP)

What is CLBP?

Chronic low back pain (CLBP sticks around in the lower back for at least 3 months. This pain is a big reason people have trouble moving and working all over the world. The number of adults with CLBP has more than doubled in the last ten years and is up fast, especially among older folks. It messes with how people can function normally & go about their daily jobs. Sunshine and rain both? Yup, it can even get worse due to stress, depression & anxiety. Because it’s so tricky, diagnosing CLBP isn’t a walk in the park and needs careful thought by doctors.

Where Does The Pain Come From?

The pain in the lower back can come from different places:

  • Discogenic Pain: This one’s pretty common. It usually stays in the lower back area. Our discs have an outer annulus fibrosis and a nucleus pulposus inside. When the disc dries out or gets messed up, this nucleus moves out through cracks. This hike in local blood flow and nerve activity causes classic discogenic pain.
  • Radicular Pain: If the pain shoots from your back to buttocks and legs (known as sciatica), it’s radicular pain. Most of the time it’s because of ectopic signals from the spine’s dorsal root or its ganglion, often due to a herniated disc. It’s more tied to nerve inflammation than just nerve squeezing. Doctors match symptoms with MRI findings to figure this out.
  • Spinal Stenosis: Over time, narrowing of central canals & side spaces can squeeze the spinal cord and nearby nerves & vessels. Causes? Could be discs pushing out, thick ligaments, overgrown bones, or even old surgery scars. Patients get clumsy legs, odd feelings, or weakness especially when standing for long periods but feel better bending forward.
  • Facet Joint: These joints help our vertebrae move together and get achy too like any load-bearing joint. The pain is mostly centered near the spine but doesn’t go past the buttocks much. Around 30% of CLBP may come from these joints with pain starting in its synovial membrane or nearby tissues.
  • Sacroiliac Joint Disease: These joints linking our spine to pelvis help us stay upright with little movement allowed. Pain shows up around the upper parts of the hips but doesn’t reach all way down like sciatica does. Sitting long or bad postures make it worse – possibly coming from arthritic bones or irritated tendons/ligaments around these joints.
  • Piriformis Syndrome: This issue feels like sciatica with pain mainly in buttocks area because the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic nerve.

Other Causes of Pain

There are other things that can spark up low back pain too:

  • Thickened inflamed ligaments (like ALL, PLL, Interspinous ligaments)
  • Fractures
  • Myofascial pain points

It’s clear lots is going on with chronic lower back pain – making it tough on those who deal with it every day!

Back Pain Treatment — The Beginning & The End

Back Pain Treatment — The Beginning & The End

Back pain is something a lot of grown-ups deal with – about 8 out of 10, to be exact. The reasons causing back pain vary, just like how strong the pain can be. However, solutions are pretty limited. Well, not anymore! Amandeep Hospitals has got answers. For many people, back pain gets in the way of their daily activities. Sometimes, even bending over to pick something up can be super hard. For others, carrying stuff or just sitting can feel impossible. Back pain affects nearly 8 out of 10 adults. The severity can vary depending on the person’s symptoms and how serious it is. Many folks search for answers and end up getting pricey surgeries that don’t always cure the pain. Some just give up and try to live with it.

What Causes Back Pain?

Lots of things can cause back pain – straining a muscle or ligament, getting hurt, lifting heavy stuff, sitting or lying down for too long, or even wearing a bad backpack. Causes can also include cases like a slipped disc. When that happens, treatment is crucial.

More serious causes of back pain might include:

Arthritis: Arthritis can sometimes mess with the spine, causing back pain. It leads to ‘Spinal Stenosis,’ which narrows the space around the spinal cord and causes pain.

Skeletal Irregularities: This happens when the spine curves to one side causing pain; it’s called scoliosis and usually affects people in middle age.

Slipped Disc: A slipped disc puts extra pressure on nearby nerves & muscles, leading to numbness or weakness in your arm or leg. There are over 10 million cases of slipped discs each year; it’s quite common.

Other factors include age & smoking. Smoking reduces blood flow to your lower back and stops your body from delivering the nutrients needed to keep your back healthy. It also slows down healing.

Symptoms of Back Pain

Back pain symptoms include muscle aches in your back – upper or lower – and sharp or stabbing pains along your spine, sometimes spreading downwards to your legs. Even simple tasks like bending, lifting, sitting, or standing might hurt. In severe cases, there could be numbness or a tingling feeling in your legs.

When Should You See a Doctor?

It’s time to worry if the pain doesn’t go away after resting or if you get new bowel/bladder issues; if it spreads down to one leg (or both), or if you lose weight without trying. Certainly see a doctor if back pain lasts more than 10 weeks—some form of treatment will be necessary by then.

Lots of folks try home remedies for chronic back problems like slipped discs but don’t get great results. That’s when seeing a professional who specializes in pain management becomes important.

Why Choose the Experts?

Amandeep Hospitals has several branches across Punjab. Their team specializes in offering non-surgical solutions for managing pain effectively. Over time, patients have gotten great treatment for their back pain and regained mobility! Doctors at Amandeep Hospitals use modern regenerative medicine as well as radiofrequency ablation to help people who thought they’d never find relief from their pain. The idea of managing pain optimally is quite new & aims to spread awareness across India about these advanced methods!